

Users can and are encouraged to build their own custom analytic capability, what we call a ‘Task’, to use within the Workflow system on GBDX.

what you will learn

This tutorial will walk you through the multi-step process of registering a Task to GBDX, starting with sample code that clips a raster to a shapefile as our example Task.

The tutorial describes the files required to register a Task. If you execute the provided code within the notebook, on a cell by cell basis in top-down order, those files will be written to your computer for you. You can also create those files yourself outside of the notebook if you prefer.

to get started

1. GBDX Notebooks

Become familiar with Tasks and Workflows through tutorials in the GBDX Notebooks module

2. Install Anaconda and gbdxtools

Instructions are provided in the gbdxtools module

3. Install Docker

  1. Install Docker from
  2. Test your Docker installation by starting Docker and pasting in the following command, which should return your Docker version
    docker version
  3. Sign up for a free Docker Hub account at

4. Download and start the Notebook tutorial:

  1. Download the file custom-task-tutorial.ipynb from this repository.

  2. Open a terminal/cmd window and copy and paste jupyter notebook. This will open the Jupyter Notebook interface in your browser (documentation here).

  3. You can navigate your file system and open the downloaded custom-task-tutorial.ipynb notebook from the Jupyter Notebook interface.

  4. The custom-task-tutorial.ipynb explains all of the steps required to register a custom task to GBDX, along with example code. You can execute the code within the notebook by using the keyboard shortcut SHIFT + ENTER, or select the play button in the toolbar. Follow the instructions in the notebook and optionally watch the recording of this tutorial.

We would love to hear your feedback. Feel free to email with comments and suggestions.